The tools of collaborative communication

Did you know that? On average, employees receive 88 emails per day according to a study by The Radicati Group. These emails come from customers, service providers, partners, newsletters, but also mostly from internal collaborators…
eductaion -digital

Digital transformation at the heart of education

Digital transformation is about improving the core business processes of an organization to effectively meet customer expectations through the leveraging of data and technology. In the education sector, students, faculty, staff and graduates can be…

How to store and share your data online safely?

The future of computer storage seems to lie in data centers at the expense of individual storage units (hard disks, optical disks…) According to the “Data Age 2025” study by IDC analysts, 174 zettabytes (or…

Outsourcing, a major challenge for modern companies

You spend 80% of your time on IT issues and only 20% on your business. Free yourself from constraints with enterprise outsourcing! Each company is different, each one has its own particular needs, which can…